Archive for March, 2011

CFP for issue on Crip Theory in lambda nordica

Saturday, March 26th, 2011


lambda nordica: Journal for LGBT Studies has sent out a call for contributions to a special issue on Crip Theory. NB! The deadline for abstracts is on May 1 2011:


Call for Papers for a Special Issue of lambda nordica: Crip Theory

Crip Theory is a new set of theories that analyses disability by using insights from queer theory, feminist theory and intersectionality studies. Crip theory is used to understand and influence attitudes and discourses concerning disability and impairment, but it has a much wider scope than that. Concepts like the normate, stigma, and accessibility can be used to study how an ableist society determines our mental structures.

Disability and impairment are key notions for an intersectional understanding of post modern society and can be used to analyse other concepts as citizenship, democracy, stigma and exclusion. In an effort to present the newest research in the field, lambda nordica: Journal for LGBT Studies is planning to publish a special issue on Crip Theory in the spring of 2012, and we are looking for abstracts with a crip perspective. The articles can be theoretical or empirical, but some aspect on Crip Theory should be thematised in each article. The focus will be on a Nordic context, in which we explicitly include the entire Baltic regiona. Abstracts and articles can be written in English, Danish, Norwegian, or Swedish.

Suggested topics include:
Disability politics and activism
Religion and disability
Class and disability
Sex and disability
Charity and disability
Disability and Citizenship
Gender and disability
Disability and identity
Age and disability
“The Crip Revolution” – Independent Living, agency, and citizenship

We are looking for abstracts of 300 words no later than 1 May 2011. Send them to guest editor Jens Rydström (jens.rydstrom (at) The articles should not extend 7,000 words and may be written in English, Danish, Norwegian, or Swedish.


lambda nordica is indeed the most important academic LGBTQ journal in the Nordic countries, so if are not already a subscriber, sign up right away here, or ask your local library to do so!

Queer in Eastern/Europe

Thursday, March 24th, 2011


There are lots of new publications coming out these days that I wish I could get hold of. The latest is Lisa Downing and Robert Gillett’s edited collection Queer in Europe – a book collecting perspectives on the translation, morphing and travel of queer through different European countries and contexts. It seems to move country-by-country through the continent (although Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, and the other Nordic countries have been swept together under the rubric “the Nordic region”; but as the text is written by the always amazing Ulrika Dahl, I’m sure it is a great one). The book is unfortunately only in hardback (as so many of Ashgate’s ‘Queer Intervention‘-books – a shame!), but hopefully it will be releases in paperback too, or/and be bought by a library close to you in the near future. Here is what the publishers write:

Queer in Europe takes stock of the intellectual and social status and treatment of queer in the New Europe of the twenty-first century, addressing the ways in which the Anglo-American term and concept ‘queer’ is adapted in different national contexts, where it takes on subtly different overtones, determined by local political specificities and intellectual traditions. Bringing together contributions by carefully chosen experts, this book explores key aspects of queer in a range of European national contexts, namely: Belgium, Cyprus, England, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, The Nordic Region, The Netherlands, Poland, Russia and Spain.

Rather than prescribing a universalizing definition, the book engages with a wide spectrum of what is meant by ‘queer’, as each chapter negotiates the contested border between direct queer activist action based on identity categories, and more plural queer strategies that call these categories into question. The first volume in English devoted to the exploration of queer in Europe, this book makes an important intervention in contemporary queer studies.

Contents: Preface; Introduction, Lisa Downing and Robert Gillett; Queer in Belgium: ignorance, goodwill, compromise, Bart Eeckhout; Queer in Cyprus: national identity and the construction of gender and sexuality, Nayia Kamenou; Queer in England: the comfort of queer? Kittens Teletubbies and Eurovision, David Nixon and Nick Givens; Queer in France: AIDS dissidentification in France, James N. Agar; Queer in Germany: materialist concerns in theory and activism, Ute Kalender; Queer in Hungary: hate speech regulation and the queering of the conduct/speech binary, Erzsébet Barát; Queer in Ireland: ‘deviant’ filiation and the (un)holy family, Anne Mulhall; Queer in Italy: Italian televisibility and the ‘queerable’ audience, Luca Malici; Queer in The Netherlands: pro-gay and anti-sex – sexual politics at a turning point, Gert Hekma; Queer in the Nordic region: telling queer (feminist) stories, Ulrika Dahl; Queer in Poland: under construction, Lukasz Szulc; Queer in Russia: othering the other of the West, Brian James Baer; Queer in Spain: identity without limits, Santiago Fouz-Hernandez.

The book looks rich, and although not without controversial figures (such as Gert Hekma writing about Netherlands, pace the discussion of his scandalous ‘contribution‘ to the Sexual Nationalism conference in Amsterdam recently), there should be much interesting stuff here.

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Queer in Europe seems to speak well together with Robert Kulpa and Joanna Mizieliñska’s new edited collection De-Centring Western Sexualities: Central and Eastern European Perspectives (similarly from Ashgate in expensive hardback). The editors have over the last years done much important work to decenter queer theory from the Anglo-American focus, and it is great to know that this book exists. Here is what the publishers write about it:

De-Centring Western Sexualities critically assesses the current state of knowledge about sexualities outside the framings of ‘The West’, by focusing on gender and sexuality within the context of Central and Eastern Europe. Providing rich case studies drawn from a range of “post-communist” countries, this interdisciplinary volume brings together the latest research on the formation of sexualities in Central and Eastern Europe, alongside analyses of the sexual and national identity politics of the region. Engaged with current debates within queer studies surrounding temporality and knowledge production, and inspired by post-colonial critique, the book problematises the Western hegemony that often characterises sexuality studies, and presents local theoretical insights better attuned to their geo-temporal realities. As such, it offers a cultural and social re-evaluation of everyday life experiences, and will be of interest to sociologists, queer studies scholars, geographers and anthropologists.

Contents: Introduction: why study sexualities in Central and Eastern Europe?, Robert Kulpa and Joanna Mizielinska; ‘Contemporary peripheries’: queer studies, circulation of knowledge, and East/West divide, Joanna Mizielinska and Robert Kulpa; Between walls: provincialisms, human rights, sexualities and Serbian public discourses on EU integration, Jelisaveta Blagojevic; Nations and sexualities – ‘West’ and ‘East’, Robert Kulpa; A short history of the queer time of ‘post-socialist’ Romania, or, are we there yet? Let’s ask Madonna, Shannon Woodcock; Travelling ideas, travelling times. On the temporalities of LGBT and queer politics in Poland and in the ‘West’, Joanna Mizielinska; Researching transnational activism around LGBTQ politics in Central and Eastern Europe: activist solidarities and spatial imaginings, Jon Binnie and Christian Klesse; Rendering gender in lesbian families: a Czech case, Katerina Nedbálková; The heteronormative panopticon and the transparent closet of the public space in Slovenia, Roman Kuhar; Heteronormativity, intimate citizenship and the regulation of same-sex sexualities in Bulgaria, Sasha Roseneil and Mariya Stoilova, Situating intimate citizenship in Macedonia: emotional navigation and everyday queer/kvar grounded moralities, Alexander Lambevski.

The pile of books that I want to read is growing each day, and hopefully Ashgate make these available in paperback so more people can get the chance to get hold of them…

Special issue of Criticism on Eve Sedgwick

Saturday, March 19th, 2011


After the “primum mobile of queer theory,” Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, passed away in April 2009, there has been several events honoring her important work. Boston University arranged a series of roundtable discussions last year entitled “Honoring Eve” with scholars such as Lee Edelman, Cindy Patton, Michel Moon and others. The event was recorded and parts of it made public on YouTube, and it all is now published as a special issue of Criticism, edited by Erin Murphy and J.Keith Vincent.

The table of contents looks quite amazing, including contributions by an impressive crowd of researchers – among others Eve Sedgwick’s partner H.A. Sedgwick. It looks like this:

H. A. SEDGWICK: Opening Remarks for Honoring Eve Symposium

CAROLYN WILLIAMS: The Boston Years: Eve’s Humor and Her Anger

LEE EDELMAN: Unnamed: Eve’s Epistemology

SIOBHAN B. SOMERVILLE: Feminism, Queer Theory, and the Racial Closet

ED COHEN: The Courage of Curiosity, or the Heart of Truth (A Mash-up)

MICHAEL MOON: Psychosomatic? Mental and Physical Pain in Eve Sedgwick’s Writing

CINDY PATTON: Love without the Obligation to Love

JONATHAN FLATLEY: “Unlike Eve Sedgwick”

HEATHER LOVE: Truth and Consequences: On Paranoid Reading and Reparative Reading

TAVIA NYONG’O: Trapped in the Closet with Eve

JOSEPH LITVAK: Sedgwick’s Nerve

BILL GOLDSTEIN: Some Scenes in Proust

KATHERINE HAWKINS: Re-creating Eve: Sedgwick’s Art and the Practice of Renewal

JONATHAN GOLDBERG: On the Eve of the Future

ID 450 COLLECTIVE: Writing the Plural: Sexual Fantasies

RENÉE C. HOOGLAND on Mad for Foucault: Rethinking the Foundations of Queer Theory by Lynne Huffer

BRIAN GLAVEY on Is the Rectum a Grave? and Other Essays by Leo Bersani

DREW DANIEL on Cruising Utopia: The Then and There of Queer Futurity by José Esteban Muñoz

KATHRYN R. KENT on The Queer Child, or Growing Sideways in the Twentieth Century by Kathryn Bond Stockton

HENRY ABELOVE on The Straight State: Sexuality and Citizenship in Twentieth-Century America by Margot Canaday

JOHN ANDREWS on The Reification of Desire: Toward a Queer Marxism by Kevin Floyd

FIONA BRIDEOAKE on Feeling Backward: Loss and the Politics of Queer History by Heather Love


If you find purchasing the issue too difficult or expensive, and don’t have a library with online access nearby, some of the papers can be seen delivered on YouTube. Here are some of them:

Honoring Eve: Feminism and Queer Theory:

Honoring Eve: Writing and Illness:

CFP til Kvinder, Køn & Forskning tema om transkønnethed

Wednesday, March 16th, 2011


Call for papers til Kvinder, Køn & Forsknings temanummer om transkønnethed 3-4 2011

I 1991 udgiver Sandy Stone det berømte essay ‘The Empire Strikes Back: A Posttranssexual Manifesto’, der af mange betragtes som startskuddet til Transgender Studies. Manifestet er et modsvar til Janice G. Raymonds bog The Transsexual Empire: The Making of a She-Male fra 1979, i hvilken Raymond anklager Stone og andre transkvinder for at “voldtage kvinders kroppe” og transmænd for at være “forræderiske kvinder”. Stone tager til genmæle ved at betone vigtigheden af, at transkønnede begynder at tale på egne vegne og skrive deres egen historie. Samtidig opfordrer Stone til udviklingen af et analytisk sprog og en tænkemåde, der kan begribe transkønnethed på mere nuanceret vis.

Transstudier og transteori (Transgender Studies) opstår således som et forsøg på at vriste forskningen i og om transkønnethed ud af hænderne på de medicinske og psykiatriske eksperter og at gøre op med patologiseringen af transkønnede. Der opstår et tværdisciplinært forskningsfelt, der (gen)skriver historier og undersøger sociale og politiske forhold fra et transperspektiv. Teoretisk fokuseres der på det komplekse forhold mellem kropslige erfaringer og sociale/ institutionelle diskursiveringer af subjektivitet og køn.

Kvinder, Køn & Forskning dedikerer et dobbeltnummer til transforskningen. Temanummeret søger at præsentere den transforskning, som bedrives i eller med fokus på Danmark og Skandinavien netop nu, samt at inspirere forskere til at bruge transteori og -studier i deres eksisterende arbejder. Kvinder, Køn & Forskning er særligt interesseret i bidrag, der f.eks. centrerer sig om:

– Introduktioner til forskningsområdet og teorikomplekset.
– Transstudier og transteoris spændinger, overlapninger og fællesskaber med feministiske, queer og postkoloniale studier og teorier.
– Forholdet mellem transstudier og -teori og cyborg/teknofeminisme og ny materialisme med fokus på krop og materialitet.
– Intersektioner mellem race, køn, seksualitet, nationalitet, klasse, handicap mm. med udgangspunkt i transteori.
– Transnationale transkønnetheder. Globale analyser af transkønnethed. Hvordan ‘rejser’ og ‘oversættes’ transproblematikker og -studier mellem de globale akademiske, aktivistiske og politiske samfund og historiciteter?
– Analyser af transkønnede kulturelle repræsentationer og produkter inden for kunst, film, teater, litteratur mm.
– Analyser af transkønnede narrativer historisk og samtidigt.
– Analyser af transfobi. Hvordan kommer transfobi til udtryk historisk og i samtiden? Hvordan kan transfobi forstås? Hvordan forholder og forbinder den sig til andre fobier som sexisme, racisme, homo- og bifobi?
– Analyser af transkønnedes politiske og sociale forhold historisk og i samtiden inden for etablerede politiske systemer såvel som i aktivistiske og kunstneriske sammenhænge. Herunder undersøgelser af transkønnedes forhold til lægevidenskaben. Hvordan benyttes hormoner, kirurgi mm.? Hvordan opleves og analyseres lægevidenskaben og psykiatrien fra et transperspektiv?

Temaredaktionen for nummeret består af Tobias Raun (RUC) Maja Bissenbakker Frederiksen (KU) og Michael Nebeling Petersen (KU).

Deadline for indsendelse af abstracts: 15. april 2011. Abstracts bør fylde 1⁄2 – 1 side.
Deadline for indsendelse af artikler: 1. juni 2011. Artiklen må ikke fylde mere end 32.000 tegn.
Deadline for essays, debatindlæg og andre bidrag: 15. juli 2011.

Se skrivevejledning her og les mer på KKFs hjemmeside.

Queer Adventures in Cultural Studies

Tuesday, March 15th, 2011


The great journal Cultural Studies is out with a new fascinating issue entitled “Queer Adventures in Cultural Studies,” edited by Angela McRobbie!

The new issue looks amazing, and after a short read, I can say for sure that Lisa Blackman’s article on performance of queer subjectivities, as well as fabulous Cecilia Sosa’s work on Claire Denis’ film Beau Travail and Judith Butler is good stuff. But the other texts looks great as well! Find a library with online access, and read on. This is the table of contents:

Cultural Studies, Vol. 25, Issue 2, 2011

Angela McRobbie: “Introduction: Queer adventures in Cultural Studies”
Donna Landry: “Queer Islam and New Historicism”
Volker Woltersdorff: “Paradoxes of Precarious Sexualities: Sexual subcultures under neo-liberalism”
Lisa Blackman: “Affect, Performance and Queer Subjectivities”
Cecilia Sosa: “Beau Travail (1998) and Judith Butler: Dancing at the limits of queer melancholia”
Leticia Sabsay: “The Limits of Democracy: Transgender sex work and citizenship”
Tim Lawrence: “Disco and the queering of the dance floor”
Heidi Hoefinger: “Professional girlfriends: An ethnography of sexuality, solidarity and subculture in Cambodia”.

CFP Polari Journal: Transverse

Tuesday, March 8th, 2011


Here is a call for papers for a special issue of the creative writing journal Polari that looks interesting:

Special Issue of Polari Journal: Transverse

Open Call for Submissions

Polari Journal is currently holding an open call for submissions for a special issue (published online June 2011) featuring writing by transgender, transsexual, intersex, androgynous and genderqueer writers, artists, activists and commentators. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Queer writers may also submit work that features trans characters, lives, culture, or issues.

The special issue will be entitled Transverse. The “verse” in the titles refers to poetry and prose, as well as to the notion of a transgender universe or world.

Polari Journal is an international, peer-reviewed journal. Polari tends towards the shorter forms: short stories, poetry, essays, one act plays/scripts, reviews, scholarly works, photography and visual art. In general, the word limit for fiction, plays and essays is 6000 words. Reviews should not be more than 1500 words. For poetry, the maximum is 100 lines. Review the Submissions Guide.

The Final Date for Submission is April 1st 2011.

Read more on Polari’s homepage.

Queerfestival Copenhagen 2011

Monday, March 7th, 2011


The dates for the annual Queerfestival Copenhagen is ready: The festival will take place from July 25 – 31.  A venue is still to be announced, but I’m sure that it will be a great festival this year as well. Stay updated on the homepage.

See you in Copenhagen!