Posts Tagged ‘demonstration’

Undoing the city in Copenhagen

Friday, April 17th, 2009

Undoing the city

From May 7-10, our friends from organize the festival Undoing the City in Copenhagen. It will be three days with “workshops, debates, film-screenings, city walks, canal tours, parades, actions and alike will question our use of the city”. They invite all of us who “use the city space and who have a wish to make the city a common space to participate in Undoing the City”. It will be great!

Here is some more background:
“Cities today are scene for a long series of conflicts between different society groups. It’s a battle going on between those who are forced out into ghettolike districts, those who retreat to gated communities in the suburbs, the creative class in the redeveloped city centres, and the police who increasingly are forced to ensure these separations. The city and its space are more and more becoming battle zones – battle zones which call for a re-conquest of the city space against fences, profit and discrimination. It is a battle to be fought with theoretical inputs, political statements and with the entire spectrum of social, cultural and artistic forms of anti-power. We want to challenge both the capitals, the states, the city governments and the creative class’s ideas of the city. And we want to challenge our own idea of the city. Let’s undo the city.”


Read more about the thoughts, discussions (and soon also the program) for Undoing the City on or on Undoing the city’s Wikispace.

8. mars

Friday, March 7th, 2008

I morgen skal det demonstreres, feires, diskuteres, festes, rases, kjempes, jubles for den Internasjonale Kvinnedagen!


I Bergen diskuteres “Hva er en familie?” på Studentsenteret mellom 16-18 med blant annet Randi Gressgård, Hilde Danielsen, Lise Widding Isaksen, Tove Fjell, Arild Linneberg og Jill Loga, og med en minikonsert av Susanne Sundfør.


I Oslo, Tromsø og Bergen avsluttes Ladyfest-uken på Kvinnedagen, mens det arrangeres 8. mars festival i Trondheim. I Oslo har Ladyfest et enormt program 8. mars som blant annet inkluderer en “Fagdag” med foredrag av Heidi Eng, Siri Lindstad, Kari Slaatsveen, Marie Kristiansen m.fl. på Rockefeller og utallige konserter og fester om kvelden.


I Stockholm arrangerer tidsskriftet Bang og ABF Stockholm i samarbeid med Kalma(r) den årlige og sagnomsuste Feministfest 2008! I år opptrer Maja Lundgren, Lawen Mohtadi, Katarina Bonnevier, Sofia Pulls, Sofia Klittmark och Jenny Gaulitz!


I København arrangerer Revolutionært 8. mars initiativ demonstrasjonen “Feminists unite, this is an international liberation fight” med påfølgende fest og folkekjøkken på Folkets Hus for lesbiske, bi- og heteroseksuelle kvinner og transpersoner, som identifiserer seg med det feministiske miljø. Og ellers er det er selvsagt fullt program i Kvindehuset hele dagen.