Posts Tagged ‘program’

Call for contributions to Queeristan 2012

Wednesday, January 25th, 2012


Below is a Call for Contributions for the important political festival and gathering Queeristan 2012 that takes place in Amsterdam between May 18 and 20 this year. Queeristan is said to be one of the central meeting places for anti-racist queer critique in the area. This year they have a “freaky” framework for the festival:

All the freaky people
make the beauty of the world
(Michael Franti)

With this message Queeristan is calling out whoever is interested in using freaking beauty to achieve a different queer politics. Together, let’s join forces in a festival that will take place in Amsterdam from May 18-20.

What is Queeristan? Certainly not a(nother) country. Behind it there is a nomadic collective of activists based in Amsterdam whose interests do not exactly rhyme with law&order, nor with setting up new borders. Nonetheless Queeristan is all about providing a space. Not only an autonomous space that dodges logics of profit and commercialization, but also a platform to both explore and counter the normative workings of gender and identity. A safe environment for queers and a factory of resistance. Our critique departs from the simple fact that buying “normalcy” in the guise of being either male or female, a Dutch or a foreigner, gay or straight, either one or the other, simply means to be disciplined by a choice made elsewhere, to be docile towards it, to keep your mouth and your eyes shut.

Although Queeristan strives to bring together all sorts of sexual outlaws, we do not want it to be another gay pride: we are not interested in using the beat of our music to celebrate the “integration” of just some queer lives whose skin color, citizenship, cultural and financial means are played as “assets” within a liberal democracy that trades rights as if it were a stock exchange. Instead Queeristan wants to be a festival where dissent unpredictably materializes and becomes shareable in a performance, in a workshop, but also in a work of art, or in partying all night long. There is no fixed formula for Queeristan. There is a togetherness based on affinity with political projects that focus on the body as the site where social aggregation and exclusion can be concretely addressed. Queeristan discerns the battlefield where a geopolitics of consumerism, migration, human rights is enforced. Queeristan resists.

Amsterdam becomes Queeristan the moment we recompose the space we inhabit to uncover the possibility of troubling our private, individual consumer identity. To start using our bodies and intersect the multiple layers of stories and practices that shape them as they tie them to one another. Therefore Queeristan is calling activists, artists, performers, queers to come up with proposals that aim at re-inventing the modes of encounter, feeling, and understanding our bodies and with interventions that seek to spatially short circuit and re-map Amsterdam beyond its neoliberal rhetoric of gay-friendliness and connect it to other places and struggles.

If Queeristan’s politics resonates with yours, come onboard and share the platform by joining the collective in our weekly meetings in preparation to the festival. Or, if you have exciting ideas for a workshop, a performance, an art exhibition, or other, original formats cooked up by your queer creativity: we are looking forward to receiving your proposals – being aware of the nasty logistic limits of time, space and money – to construct the festival that will form Queeristan this spring.

Please send all your inquires and proposals (max 500 words) to queeristan (at)

Deadline for submissions is February, 29 2012.

On that freaky note – it is worth mentioning that the German artist and theorist Renate Lorenz’s long awaited book Queer Art – A Freak Theory is out in just a couple of weeks. 2012 is a freaky queer year indeed.


Queer festivals this summer/fall

Tuesday, May 24th, 2011

Here is an incomplete list of queer festivals and other LGBT related events this summer and fall.

It is nice to know where things happen in case one has the opportunity and desire and money to travel. These are some of the places one might want to visit (or avoid, depending):

25 – 29 May 2011: Kashish – Mumbai International Queer Film Festival (Mumbai, India)

27 – 29 May 2011: OffPride (Zurich, Switzerland)

1 – 5 June 2011: TranScreen – Amsterdam Transgender Film Festival (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

1 – 12 June 2011: Euro Pride (Rome, Italy)

12 June 2011: London’s First Ever Sex Worker Film Festival 2011, (London, UK).

17 – 26 June 2011: Skeive Dager (Oslo Pride Festival) (Oslo, Norway)

25 – 31 July 2011: Queerfestival Copenhagen 2011, (Copenhagen, Denmark).

1 – 7 August 2011: Stockholm Pride (Stockholm, Sweden)

5 – 7 August 2011: quEAR: trans*tonale Ohrenfest (DIY queer audio festival) at Schwarzer Kanal (Berlin, Germany)

17 – 21 August 2011: Copenhagen Pride (Copenhagen, Denmark)

18 – 21 August 2011: Queertopia (Norberg, Sweden)

16 – 24 September 2011: Queer Lisboa Film Festival (Lisboa, Portugal)

22 – 25 September 2011: Oslo Queer Festival (Oslo, Norway)

21 – 30 October 2011: MIX Copenhagen LesbianGayBiTrans Film Festival (Copenhagen, Denmark)

25 November – 1 December: Florence Queer Festival (Florence, Italy)

Performing Ideas

Wednesday, September 1st, 2010


If you’re into performance art, London is the place to visit over the next years as the research project Performance Matters kicks off a range of events with artists, theorists, and others doing good stuff. Run by Gavin Butt (Goldsmiths), Adrian Heathfield (Rohampton) and Loius Keanan (Live Art Development Agency) together with Owen G. Parry and Augusto Corrieri, Performance Matters is a thing to follow.

While I’m particularly excited about next year’s queer extravaganza under the theme of Trashing Performance (of which I’m taking part as an associative researcher, so I’m involved – no detached commenting here), this year’s symposium on Performing Ideas looks to be great as well.

If you’re in London between 2-9 October, look into the preliminary program on Performance Matter’s homepage. The workshops, lectures, panels, discussions, and performances includes a wide range of amazing participants such as Janine Antoni, Anne Bean, Wafaa Bilal, Maaike Bleeker, Silvia Bottiroli, Jonathan Burrows, Rose English, Tim Etchells, Matthew Goulish, Hannah Hurtzig, Shannon Jackson, Janez Janša, Joe Kelleher, Ong Keng Sen, Bojana Kunst, Boyan Manchev, Fred Moten, Rabih Mroué, Giulia Palladini, Peggy Phelan, Heike Roms, Lara Shalson, Julie Tolentino and many others.


Program for Queerlitteraturdagen i Göteborg

Monday, May 19th, 2008


Nå er programmet klart til Queerlitteraturdagen som arrangeres 31. mai i Göteborg. Queerlitteraturdagen har i år temaet “Kropp og språk”, og festivalens kunstneriske ledere er Athena Farrokhzad og Linn Hansén. Queerlitteraturdagen holdes på Pusterviksteatern i sentrum av Göteborg, og er en del av HBT-GBG-festivalen. Det er gratis inngang. Slik ser programmet for dagen ut:

12:00 Panelsamtal: Queer och censur.

Deltagare: Reb Kerstinsdotter (genusvetare, chef för PrideHouse), Mathias Danbolt (konstvetare, redaktör för Trikster) och Hanna Hallgren (kritiker och poet). Moderator: Marit Östberg (journalist, fd. redaktör för Kom ut).

Hur förhåller sig queerrörelsen till ämnet censur? Varför pratar man så sällan om det, trots att det är en så central fråga? Vad finns det för olika traditioner i bögvärlden och flatvärlden? Hur kan man tänka kring frihet, utrymme, tabu, performativitet, historia, maktkritik? Utgångspunkt bland annat i Bo Cavefors inställda medverkan under Queerlitteraturdagen 2007, inklusions- och exklusionsmekanismer i det queeraktivistiska klimatet, och en återkommande diskussion om PPP (porr/prostitution/pedofili).

13:00 Författarsamtal: Dennis Cooper
Samtalsledare: Kristofer Folkhammar


Hur förhåller Dennis Cooper sig till form och innehåll utifrån ett queert perspektiv? Hur tänker han kring om narrativitet när han i sina texter balanserar på gränsen mellan fantasi och verklighet, i starka och explicita skildringar av våld, sex och övergrepp? Hur förhåller det sig med litteraturens pornografiska funktion? Vad krävs för att någon/något ska fungera som musa? Finns det ett egenvärde i att befinna sig i periferin (både litterärt och generellt) eller är det den enda möjliga positionen? (Se Coopers hjemmeside/blogg)

14:00 Föreläsning: Tiina Rosenberg talar om Zarah Leander

Tiina Rosenberg föreläser om den queera divan Zarah Leander. Varför blir vissa kvinnor gayikoner och inte andra? Tankar om genus, sexualitet, nation och politisk skam utifrån fallet Zarah Leander.

15:00 Seminarium: Queer och rasism

Deltagare: Pia Laskar (idéhistoriker, aktivist), Monica Amante (Feministiskt initiativ) och Carlos Diaz (RFSL). Moderator: Lawen Mohtadi (journalist, redaktör för Slut).

Är queerrörelsen rasistisk och/eller färgblind? Hur förhåller den sig till vithet, global fördelningspolitik, asylfrågor etcetera? Vilka subjekt har tillträde till queera identiteter? Hur ser konflikten/ skärningspunken/samarbetet ut mellan queerpolitik och antirasistik politik i Sverige och världen, idag och utifrån ett historiskt perspektiv. Hur skulle det kunna se ut? Utgångspunkt bland annat i debatterna i FI, utvecklingen från förtryckssamverkan till intersektionalitet, queerteoretiska skrifter och praktisk politisk kamp.

16:00 Författarsamtal: Staceyann Chin
Samtalsledare: Ulrika Dahl (och eventuellt Sofia Pulls)


Hur tänker Staceyann Chin om spoken word-formens politiska potential? Och om politiska litterära strategier i stort? Vilka sammanhang väljer hon att medverka i, och hur tänker hon kring dem? Och vad säger hon om this business of dykery?

Under hela dagsprogrammet huserar dessutom queera förlag och bokhandlar på ovanvåningen, tillsammans med en workshop kring kropp och språk som leds av Helena Sandström (deltagare: Rekon Dekon, Eddie Mio Larsson, Elsa Leth och Tova Gerge).

Kvällsprogram på Stora Scen fra kl. 19-22:

Kvällsprogrammet består av queera, kollektiva, poetiska, specialskrivna framträdanden med:

Dennis Cooper & Eli Levén, Hanna Hallgren & Johan Jönson, Staceyann Chin, Kristin Berget, Malin Backström & Sara Hallström, Jonas Brun & Kristofer Folkhammar, Kajsa Sundin, Tova Gerge & Christian Yde Frostholm, Eva Borgström, Tarmo Rissanen & Aylin Boynukisa. Dessutom workshopgruppen med ett under dagen skapat material.