ACT UP / New York [US] ACT UP / Paris [FR] ACT UP / Philadelphia [US] AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power Bash Back! [US] Radical trans/queer activist organizing Black Laundry (Kvisa Shchora) [IL] Israelian radical queer direct action group FIERCE! Fabulous Independent Educated Radicals for Community Empowerment! [US] Gay Shame San Francisco [US] Queer direct action extravaganza KRAN [DK] Danish queerfeminist collective LAGAI - Queer Insurrection [US] San Fransisco-based queer revolutionary movement Les Panthères Roses / The Pink Panthers Montréal [CA] Les Panthères Roses Paris [FR] Panteras Rosa / Lisboa [PT] Radical Cheerleaders [US] Protest+Performance with pom poms and middle fingers extended Queer Jihad [DK] Danish queer zine and activist collective QUIT! Queers Undermining Israeli Terrorism [US] Schwarzer Kanal [DE] Frauen-Lesben-Transgender Wagenplatz in Berlin The Radical Homosexual Agenda [US] The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence [US] San Francisco's Order of queer nuns ØQ - Enhedslistens Queerudvalg [DK] 
Bildwechsel [DE] Archive in Hamburg for women+ and their representation in media, culture and art Jan Magnusson's bibliography of GLBTQ-literature [SE] Lesbian Herstory Archives, New York [US] LGBT History [US] Queer Arts Resource [US] Queer Zine Archive Project [US] QueerTheory.com [US] Spinnboden - Lesbenarchiv und Bibliothek Berlin [DE] The ACT UP Oral History Project [US] The Queer Resources Directory [US] Transguys - Transman mapping project [Everywhere] Umbruch-Bildarchiv, Berlin [DE] 
Del LaGrace Volcano [US] Dennis Cooper [US] Dunst [DK] Danish queer performance group Gil & Moti [IL/NL] Heidi Lunabba [FI] Joe Brainard [US] Kiki & Herb [US] Lasse Lau [DK] Lion Kings [SE] Swedish drag king collective Liv Strömquist [SE] Loka Kanarp [SE] Oreet Ashery [UK/IL] Mattias Pettersson [SE] Miss Fish [DK] Nanna Johansson / Fulheten [SE] Nina Hemmingsson [SE] Owen G. Parry [UK] Queeristics [DE] "is this a boy or a girl? it's a drawing" Slava Mogutin [RU/US] SEX TAGS [NO] Staceyann Chin [US] Tomka Weiss [DE] TOYBOYS [NO] Norwegian queer performance group 
Copenhagen Queer Festival [DK] HBT-Festivalen, Göteborg [SE] Homotopia, Liverpool [UK] Jafnaðr - Nordic Queer Youth Festival [NO] Jerk off festival - des cultures alternatives, Paris [FR] Oslo Queer Festival [NO] QueerBash London [UK] Queertopiafestivalen [SE] Queeruption [Everywhere] D.I.Y. radical queer gathering Queer9000 festival, Aalborg [DK] The Nights and Days of Tribades, Helsinki [FI] 
Bang [SE] Swedish feminist cultural magazine
Bitch - Feminist response to pop culture [US] Blikk [NO] Norwegian LGBT Magazine Butt [NL] Quarterly magazine for and about homosexuals Chroma: A Queer Literary and Arts Journal [UK] DIK Fagazine [PO] Bilingual artistic magazine from Central and Eastern Europe concentrated on homosexuality and masculinity Dragking.be - News from the queer community [BE] Ett lysande namn [SE] Ful_feministisk analys & queer kultur [SE] Fett [NO] Norwegian feminist magazine Kvinde, Køn & Forskning [DK] Kom Ut [SE] Lambda Nordica - Tidskrift för homosexualitetsforskning [SE] Mobilization: An International Journal [US] Openhagen [DK] A collective blog, digital zine, and open platform about the city and how to change urban space QueerKraft [DK] Danish portal for gender and sexual politics on the left wing Resistance Studies Magazine [SE] The Scholar and Feminist Online [US] Webjournal by Barnard Centre for Research on Women SQS - Journal of Queer Studies in Finland [FI] They Shoot Homos Don't They? [US] A look book for men and their admireres Third Space [UK] A journal of feminist theory & culture Tidskrift för genusvetenskap [SE] Tidskriften Slut [SE] A cultural journal with a feminist and postcolonial perspective Visual Culture and Gender [US] An international multimedia journal published annually Webmagasinet FORUM [DK] 
ANSO - Association of Nordic LGBTQ Student Organizations
Friðarbogin [FO] Organization working for social, political, and cultural liberation for GLB's on The Faroe Islands GenderPack - Gender Public Advocacy Coalition [US] LGBT Danmark - Landsforeningen for bøsser, lesbiske, biseksuelle og transpersoner [DK] LLH - Landsforeningen for lesbiske, homofile, bifile og transpersoner [NO] Press For Change [UK] Campaigning for respect and equality for all trans people RFSL - Riksförbundet för sexuellt likaberättigande [SE] Samtökin 78 - The National Organization of Lesbians and Gay Men [IS] SETA - Seksuaalinen tasavertaisuus (Sexual Equality) [FI] Skeiv Ungdom - Queer Youth [NO] Sylvia Rivera Law Project [US] Working to guarantee that all people are free to self-determine gender identity and expression, regardless of income or race, and without facing harassment, discrimination or violence TGEU - Transgender Europe Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund [US] 
Normal Förlag [SE] powerHouse Books [US] Suspect Thoughts Press [US] 
Centrum för genusvetenskap, Lunds universitet [SE] Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics Institute for Queer Theory [DE] Research center founded in 2006 by Antke Engel situated in Berlin and Hamburg Nettverk for homoforskning [NO] Performance Matters [UK] Senter for kvinne- og kjønnsforskning, Universitetet i Bergen [NO] Senter for tverrfaglig kjønnsforskning, Universitetet i Oslo [NO] Tema Genus, Linköping Universitet [SE] 
Klubb Idyll, Stockholm [SE] Royal Vauxhall Tavern, London [UK] Tomboy, Malmö [SE] Warehouse9, Copenhagen [DK] Wotever World, London [UK]
Afsnit P [DK] Audiatur Bookstore [NO] Vagant [NO] 